MWI  Pumps...
A product for every application
Business Module
Leasing - Renting - Buying
  • Procedures required to go through with Leasing.
    1. Agree on the following:
      • Leasing amount of the pumping station.
      • Method of payment.
      • Time instalments must be paid.
      • Price of the unit if the Leaser decides to purchase the unit at the end of the contract.
    2. Signing the contract.
    3. Supply of the units according to the beginning date of the contract.
  • Procedures for buying:
    1. Decide which pump station is required and which model will best suite your uses.
    2. Agree on the price of the unit (s).
    3. Settle the terms and method of payment.
    4. Sign the contract stating all the information regarding the deal.
    5. Our company offers free training if the customer is not familiar with operating the pump station (Free of charge).
    6. Receive the unit from our warehouse (unless another agreement is made and stated in the contract).

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